Email marketing for real estate agents — Short guide for 2024

13 min

Selling a house goes way beyond just adding a “Buy Now” button to your website. In real estate, it’s about building a genuine relationship with your leads, deeply understanding their needs, and successfully guiding them through one of the most significant purchases they’ll ever make.

Now, the key to building any meaningful relationship is adopting a human-centric approach (what we call H2H marketing) and good communication. And emails are one of your most effective tools for that. But it’s not just about sending the offer and following up. It’s about crafting messages that resonate, providing information that enlightens, and creating lasting connections.

Email marketing lets you do all this and more, allowing you to nurture leads at every stage of their journey, from the initial interest to the final handshake at closing. It’s a seriously powerful tool, and if you’re not using it, you’re missing out.

This article will equip you with 10 ideas for effective email campaigns and a few handy tips on how to create your content. But let’s start by discussing what makes email marketing such a great tool for real estate lead generation and nurturing.

Benefits of email marketing for a real estate business

So, we’ve already said that email is a great tool to maintain and nurture relationships. Let’s make it easy to get why email marketing is perfect for real estate agents.

  • Affordability: First off, email marketing is super wallet-friendly. Got an email list? Perfect. With a solid strategy, you can hit up loads of potential clients without the hefty price tag.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Did you know that email marketing has the best ROI out of all marketing strategies? It’s said to be as high as 4000%, meaning every dollar invested can bring back 40 dollars of revenue!
  • Personalization: Here’s where email truly shines for real estate. You can tailor messages so they speak directly to each person on your list. Personalization makes clients feel special and keeps you at the top of their minds when they’re ready to make a move.
  • Tracking results made easy: Email marketing platforms offer insights into who’s opening your emails, clicking on links, and even scheduling viewings. This info is gold. It helps you tweak your approach, focus on what works, and leave behind what doesn’t.
  • Building relationships & lead nurturing: Regular, engaging emails keep you in touch with clients throughout their home-buying journey and beyond. It’s about creating a community, offering value, and being there when they’re ready to take the next step.

10 email marketing campaigns for a real estate agent

1. Warm welcome series

Source: Really Good Emails (Zillow newsletter)

Creating a welcoming atmosphere right from the start is something that will impact your relationship with subscribers. Look for email marketing platforms like GetResponse for templates and inspiration. They offer welcome email templates that can be customized for your real estate business.

What do you include in a warm welcome series?

  • A personal introduction. Share your own journey in real estate, including what drew you into the industry and what you love about your job.
  • Your unique selling proposition (USP). Tell your audience what sets you apart from other realtors, like your negotiation skills or your knack for finding hidden gems.
  • Set up expectations. Outline what type of content subscribers should expect from you, such as market insights, tips, or exclusive listings.

Looking for some inspiration? Check out our 15 examples of welcome emails that set the standard!

2. Local market updates

Source: Really Good Emails (Zillow newsletter)

Be the go-to source for all the local real estate news. Regular updates on market trends, pricing averages, and future forecasts showcase your expertise and keep your subscribers informed.

By providing valuable insights into the local real estate market, you become not just a real estate agent but a resource. This positions you as the first point of contact for anyone looking to buy or sell in the area. Word-of-mouth recommendations will also help you in local lead generation.

  • Market trends. Discuss current trends affecting the local real estate market. These can be things like an increased interest in a neighborhood, thanks to job opportunities.
  • Average prices. Provide insights into average listing and selling prices in your area.
  • Market forecasts. Share your predictions for the local market’s direction based on your experience and available data.

3. Featured listings

Source: Really Good Emails (Peerspace newsletter)

For each listing, include:

  • High-quality photos. Use professional photographs to showcase the property.
  • Detailed descriptions. Highlight unique features and benefits of the property.
  • Investment potential. Explain why the property is a good investment or a great place to call home.

Use platforms like, not just for inspiration, but as a benchmark for quality and engagement in your own listings. Your aim should be to create a compelling narrative around each property. One that resonates with both homebuyers and investors, making them feel like they can’t afford to miss out.

4. Pro tips for buyers and sellers

Source: Really Good Emails (Zillow newsletter)

As a real estate agent, you probably have some interesting observations and real estate industry insights. Give practical advice to potential buyers and sellers, such as:

  • Staging a home. Tips on decluttering and decorating to make homes more appealing.
  • Negotiating a purchase. Strategies for making competitive offers or negotiating prices.

Beyond basic advice, you can talk about things like the psychology of buying and selling. Discuss the emotional aspects of real estate transactions, the importance of timing in the market, and how to read between the lines of listings. Offer case studies highlighting different strategies for different market conditions, providing a toolkit that prepares clients for any scenario.

HGTV and similar sites offer countless articles and guides on these topics, which can inspire your content.

5. Client testimonials and success stories

Expand on success stories by incorporating interviews with past clients, sharing before-and-after photos, and detailing the strategy behind each success. This approach not only showcases your expertise but also builds a narrative that future clients can see themselves in. Include a section on lessons learned, offering readers valuable takeaways from each story.

Share stories that include:

  • Challenge: Briefly describe the client’s challenge or goal.
  • Solution: How you helped the client navigate the real estate process.
  • Outcome: The successful result of your collaboration.

Where to look for inspiration? Testimonial sections on real estate websites provide a format for how to structure these stories compellingly.

6. Neighborhood spotlights

Source: Really Good Emails (Foursquare newsletter)

For neighborhood spotlights, go beyond the basics by incorporating video tours, interviews with local business owners, and testimonials from residents about what makes their neighborhood unique. Provide an in-depth analysis of market trends in the area, including price developments and investment opportunities.

Local community websites can showcase how to spotlight neighborhoods effectively. This way, you can increase the appeal of neighborhoods to prospective buyers.

Feature specific neighborhoods where you operate. Cover aspects like:

  • Amenities. Mention parks, restaurants, and other local amenities.
  • Schools. Highlight the quality of local schools and educational opportunities.
  • Community events. Talk about annual festivals, markets, or other community activities.

7. DIY home improvement tips

Source: Really Good Emails (Design Within Reach newsletter)

Talk about ways to improve the look and functionality of homes and properties. If you can, bring in DIY experts and feature guest posts about interior design. Include before-and-after projects completed by clients or followers, encouraging community engagement.

Offer downloadable resources, like checklists and design templates, to help readers plan and execute their projects with professional guidance.

Focus on:

  • Cost-effective projects. Share projects that offer a significant return on investment.
  • Step-by-step guides. Provide clear instructions or tips for completing projects.

Websites like DIY Network or Pinterest are great sources for finding and illustrating DIY projects.

8. Financing and mortgage information

Financial websites like Bankrate offer guides and calculators that can inspire your content.

Offer a series of emails that break down complex financing concepts into digestible parts. Include expert interviews, infographics comparing loan types, and interactive calculators for estimating payments, closing costs, and savings over time. Address the impact of current economic conditions on financing and how to navigate these challenges strategically.

Topics to cover can include:

  • Mortgage options. Overview of different types of mortgages and who they’re best for.
  • Approval tips. Advice on improving credit scores or saving for down payments.
  • Interest savings. Strategies for paying off mortgages faster or reducing interest payments.

9. Seasonal maintenance tips

Source: Really Good Emails (Yelp newsletter)

Create a seasonal maintenance guide that covers not just the what and the when but also the why — explaining the importance of each task in preserving the home’s value and preventing costly repairs. Home improvement stores like Home Depot often provide seasonal maintenance tips that can serve as a template.

Incorporate interactive elements like checklists or quizzes to personalize the advice and suggest eco-friendly and sustainable practices for home upkeep.

Include tips on:

  • Winterizing. How to prepare homes for winter to avoid common issues.
  • Summer upkeep. Keeping homes cool and gardens thriving through the summer.

10. Exclusive offers and invitations

Source: Really Good Emails (Willow newsletter)

Use email marketing to offer exclusive content, discounts, and invitations to current and potential clients. Host live Q&A sessions for your subscribers to ask questions about real estate investment, home buying, or selling processes. Offer a loyalty program for referrals and repeat clients, giving them access to even more exclusive opportunities.

Provide access to:

  • New listings. Offer early or exclusive viewing opportunities.
  • Open houses. Invite subscribers to special open house events.
  • Seminars. Host seminars on real estate investment or buying tips and offer exclusive invites to your subscribers.
  • Invitation to real estate events. Eventbrite listings for real estate events can give you an idea of how to structure and promote your exclusive offers.

How to write emails that people like to read

Now that we’ve covered the kinds of email campaigns you can run let’s talk about how to write engaging and convincing copy for your real estate marketing campaigns.

1. Keep It personal

Remember, real estate is a personal business. People want to feel like they’re talking to a human, not a corporation or robot. Use your real estate email campaigns to speak directly to your reader and keep a conversational writing style. Address them by name, share personal anecdotes related to real estate, and sign off with your own name to add that personal touch.

What about using AI tools for writing? Let’s not demonize it. Use it to get some help in coming up with a content structure or rephrasing parts of your message. But make sure you don’t just send out generic marketing emails you haven’t even written.

2. Make it visually appealing

A wall of text is no way to go. Break up your content with high-quality images of listings, neighborhoods, or happy clients. It’s best to use original images, but adding in a few stock photos every now and then isn’t a bad idea either.

Use bullet points for easy reading, and don’t shy away from using colors or fonts that make the email more inviting and reflect your personal brand. But don’t overdo it. Using more than two fonts or colors can make your email campaign look chaotic.

Did you know? GetResponse has 150+ beautifully designed newsletter templates you can use to make visually appealing email campaigns.

3. Provide value

Every email should offer something valuable to your reader, whether it’s insider knowledge from the real estate business, exclusive property listings, or practical tips. Before hitting send, ask yourself, “What will my reader gain from this email?” If you can’t answer, it’s probably time to revise.

4. Use compelling subject lines

How do people decide if they want to open an email? Usually, their decision depends on whether they like the subject line or not.

The subject line is your first (and sometimes only) chance to grab attention. Be clear about the value inside, opt for titles like: “5 Must-See Homes in [Neighborhood]” or “Exclusive Market Insights for [Month/Year].” Avoid spammy words that might get your email flagged, and never overpromise.

With GetResponse’s subject line generator you can automatically create captivating subject lines. Need more help? Conquer writer’s block with our AI-powered email generator!

5. Call to action

A clear call to action (CTA) is a must-have in email marketing. How do you decide what CTA to use? Well, answer a simple question: “What do you want your reader to do next?” Whether it’s viewing a listing on your website, replying to your email, or signing up for an open house, make sure your CTA is obvious and easy to follow.

6. Segment your list

Not everyone is interested in the same kind of emails. That’s why it’s smart to organize your email list into groups (segments) like new clients, past clients, people looking to buy, and people looking to sell. This way, you can send info that matches what they’re interested in.

  • New clients might love tips for buying a home for the first time.
  • Past clients might enjoy updates on the housing market or advice on keeping their home’s value up.
  • People who just bought a home probably aren’t looking to buy another one right away, unlike investors who are always on the lookout for good deals.

7. Test and optimize

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment. Include A/B testing in your email marketing strategy. Use it for finding the right subject lines, email layouts, and CTAs that best resonate with your audience. Keep track of metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to refine your strategy continually.

Why you should use an email marketing software

The right software can really simplify and automate your email marketing efforts, helping you achieve the results you need in less time. It simplifies the process of creating, sending, and analyzing the performance of your real estate email marketing campaigns.

Here’s why you should consider using one:

  • Automation tools: Set up automated email sequences for new subscribers, follow-ups, or triggered emails based on specific actions (like viewing a listing). This saves time and ensures consistent communication.
  • Segmentation and personalization: These platforms allow you to segment your list based on various criteria (interests, buying behavior, location, etc.), enabling you to send highly personalized and relevant emails. This can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • Analytics: Understanding how your emails perform is crucial. Email marketing software provides detailed insights into open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, helping you refine your strategy for better results.
  • Design and templates: With a range of templates and a drag-and-drop builder, these tools make it easy to create visually appealing emails without needing design skills. This can help your emails stand out and encourage more engagement.
  • Compliance: They ensure your email campaigns comply with laws like the GDPR and CAN-SPAM Act, reducing the risk of fines and protecting your reputation.
  • Integration: Most email marketing tools can integrate with other software (CRMs, website platforms, etc.), providing a seamless flow of information and allowing for more sophisticated marketing tactics.

Still looking for the perfect email marketing solution? Take GetResponse for a free spin – no strings attached. Start your free trial today!

In closing

Ultimately, email marketing for real estate agents is about more than just transactions; it’s about creating a community of satisfied clients who trust you and are happy to refer you to others. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you’re well on your way to making email marketing a powerful part of your real estate business.

Whether you’re just getting started or looking to refine your existing strategy, remember that consistency, personalization, and providing genuine value are key to your success.

Ksawery Cepeniuk
Ksawery Cepeniuk
Ksawery is the Content Manager at CallPage, specializing in content creation and SEO. Ksawery's journey has made him proficient in various marketing disciplines, with a recent focus on content marketing. He handles a wide range of content-related tasks, including writing, translating, and proofreading in both Polish and English, as well as optimizing the company's blog for search engines. Connect with him on LinkedIn.