Animated GIFs in Emails? Why Not!

2 min

Have you seen those eye-catching newsletters with moving images? I bet you liked them. Now you too can send fun “moving” newsletters using GetResponse. Starting today—thanks to our new integration of ImageMagick software with our Email Creator—you can add GIF images inside your messages. Your subscribers will love it!

Breathe life into your newsletters

They might be a bit controversial – or at least used to be – with that whiff of the early-90s-style websites.

Well, animated GIFs have certainly made a very trendy comeback, and now it’s possible to include animated GIF images in place of static images in your emails in GetResponse.

And why should you do that? GIFs are great attention grabbers.

You could show your products from a different angle:

  • Change colors on an image to show the range of styles of the shoes/T-shirts you sell.
  • Rotate outfits on a model to show more of your summer collection.
  • Draw attention to promotion deadlines or calls-to-action by highlighting/changing the text or dates.
  • Advertise more of your products while saving newsletter space.

It’s not only fun, it’s also more creative. People like that!

bonobos gif


How do you do that?

It couldn’t be simpler – right now you can upload your animated graphics when adding images to your newsletter in Email Creator.

Of course, you first need to have an animated GIF file you’ve created. Like this one: 🙂

Just Create with GetResponse

What’s the catch?

Of course, there are times when you should think twice.

  • Most email clients can display an animated GIF, but Microsoft Outlook shows only the first frame. So make sure the first frame is a full standalone picture, in case the animation is not displayed.
  • Always test your message (regardless of whether you use an animated GIF or a static image).
  • Don’t attach a file that’s too big (animated files can be much bigger than static ones).
  • Pay attention to the compression you’re using when making the image smaller – so as not to make it pixelated and, well, ugly (sorry for my layman terms).
  • Take a moment to judge whether your animation is making a point or serving a purpose – rather than simply flickering in your readers’ eyes. Accessibility should be your priority here – don’t let a GIF get in the way of communicating your message.

And after you’ve considered all that – go ahead and try it out! Why don’t you show us your examples? What do you think about animated GIFs in emails?

Karolina Kurcwald
Karolina Kurcwald
Karolina is a brand messaging consultant and copywriter for SaaS and B2B tech. She helps brands clearly define what sets them apart from the competition and communicate it in a way that resonates with their customers. As a career coach, she also helps people in the creative and tech industries find and communicate their value to potential employers. Catch her at: