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Exclusive report

Email Marketing
& Marketing Automation
Excellence 2018

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Email Marketing and Marketing Automation Excellence 2018
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Stay ahead of digital marketing trends

This in-depth report offers a benchmark to compare your email marketing, automation, and landing pages. We surveyed:

  • 585 marketers
  • from 181 countries
  • across 19 industries
  • sending 10 billion emails

Together with SmartInsights, we turned these insights into an exclusive report, outlining our key findings and recommendations for 2018.

What we found

How does your marketing measure up? Compare your campaign performance with other businesses:

  • 47% rate email effectiveness
    as either good or excellent.

  • 53% send the same email
    to all recipients.

  • 30% say saving time is the biggest
    benefit of automation.

  • Only 14% go beyond basic
    , and use automation
    to personalize their messages.

  • 37% offer ebooks, whitepapers,
    and other downloadable
    products on their landing pages.

  • Almost 25% use landing pages
    to launch new products.

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Our recommendations for 2018

You’ll find all our top recommendations in the full report. But you can take action today with one of these tasks:

  • Take an integrated approach to lifecycle marketing strategy across all your channels.

    So you can better engage your audience – and meet your business objectives along the way.

    Dr. Dave Chaffey

    Co-founder and Content Director
    of Smart Insights

  • When creating landing pages, always develop a testing and optimization strategy. Share it with your team – or even build an entire culture around it.

    That way, you can combat poor conversion rates and other challenges encountered along the way.

    Michael Leszczynski

    Content Marketing Manager
    at GetResponse

  • Make the most of marketing automation.

    19% of marketers don't use it at all. You can easily outperform your competitors by digging deeper into your platform.

    Be sure to experiment with rule-based segmentation and personalization – and adjust it as you gain new insights.

    Robert Jones

    Senior Research and Content Coordinator
    of Smart Insights

  • Get your free copy of the report for even more useful insights

    Download now

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Smart Insights provides actionable learning resources to help businesses improve their digital marketing results. More than 150,000 Smart Insights members use the company’s blog, sample marketing templates, and weekly Digital Marketing Essentials newsletter to follow best practices and keep up-to-date with the digital marketing developments that matter most.