Try for free, upgrade when ready

Billing period:


If you're just getting started with email marketing and want to build your audience.

Paid annually, save up to $41 a year


  • Unlimited email marketing
  • Unlimited autoresponders 
  • Unlimited landing pages
  • Custom automation workflow 
  • Email and landing page templates
  • Signup forms and popups
  • 24/7 chat support
  • Free custom domain with yearly plan 


For marketers or sellers to promote and sell across channels.

Paid annually, save up to $127 a year

Starter plan, plus:

  • Unlimited marketing automation 
  • Abandoned cart recovery
  • Newsletter revenue statistics
  • Promo codes
  • Email delivery scheduling
  • Advanced segmentation
  • Sales funnels
  • Contact scoring
  • Unlimited web push notifications


Everything you need to create, market, and monetize your knowledge.

Paid annually, save up to $149 a year

Marketer plan, plus:

  • Unlimited courses
  • Up to 500 students
  • Mobile app for students  
  • Quizzes and certificates
  • Creator profile 
  • Premium newsletters 
  • Website builder
  • Webinars
  • No transaction fees 


Maximize revenue with tailored solutions and premium support.

Custom pricing

All features, plus:

  • Premium, priority support 
  • Dedicated IP address
  • Single sign-on (SSO)
  • SMS marketing
  • Mobile push notifications
  • AI product recommendations
  • Transactional emails
  • Unlimited users
Compare all plans and features

Compare plans and features

Billed annually
Billed annually
Billed annually
Custom pricing
Billed monthly
Content monetization
Course creatorunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Available coursesunavailableunavailableUnlimitedavailable
Students limitunavailableunavailableFrom 500available
Transaction feesunavailableunavailable0%available
Premium newslettersunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Mobile app for students unavailableunavailableavailableavailable
PayPal and Stripe integrationsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Email marketing
Monthly email sendsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
AI email generatorUp to 3 usesavailableavailableavailable
AI subject line generator Up to 3 usesavailableavailableavailable
Visual email editoravailableavailableavailableavailable
Custom DKIMavailableavailableavailableavailable
Inbox previewavailableavailableavailableavailable
Perfect timingunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Time travelunavailableavailableavailableavailable
A/B testingunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Click trackingavailableavailableavailableavailable
Ecommerce trackingunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Google Analyticsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Predesigned templatesavailableavailableavailableavailable
HTML editoravailableavailableavailableavailable
Custom HTMLavailableavailableavailableavailable
Product boxunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Recommended productsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Abandoned cart triggerunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Promo codes: manual creatorunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Promo codes: all unique & syncedunavailableavailableavailableavailable
SPAM checkavailableavailableavailableavailable
Share on FB & Xavailableavailableavailableavailable
Remove GetResponse brandingavailableavailableavailableavailable
Dark mode previewavailableavailableavailableavailable
Recipients: segmentsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Welcome and thank you emailsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Automation templatesavailableavailableavailableavailable
Build from scratchavailableavailableavailableavailable
Drip campaignsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Birthday emailsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Click and open followupsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Contact taggingunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Contact scoringunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Abandoned cart triggerunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Visited URL automationunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Event-based automationunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Automated web push notificationsunavailableUnlimitedUnlimitedavailable
Purchase automationunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Dynamic segmentationavailableavailableavailableavailable
Split automationavailableavailableavailableavailable
Amount filteravailableavailableavailableavailable
Welcome emailsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Autoresponders seriesavailableavailableavailableavailable
Ecommerce trackingunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Time travelunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Platform and support
Number of users355available
Roles managementunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Email supportavailableavailableavailableavailable
24/7 chat supportavailableavailableavailableavailable
Two-factor authenticationavailableavailableavailableavailable
Onboarding sessionavailableavailableavailableavailable
Phone support unavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Slack support unavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Assisted IP warmup unavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Dedicated sending domain unavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Single sign-onunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Rebranding optionsunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Dedicated onboardingunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Dedicated Customer Experience Managerunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Development strategy supportunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
List management
Import contactsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Export contactsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Add scoringunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Add taggingunavailableavailableavailableavailable
FTP importsunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Based on contact details availableavailableavailableavailable
Based on contact actionsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Based on geolocationavailableavailableavailableavailable
Based on scoringunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Based on tagsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Based on consent fieldsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Based on ecommerceunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Based on conversion funnelunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Based on eventsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Based on lead magnetunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Based on SMS action unavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Based on external segmentsunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Website builder
Website builderunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
AI creatorunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Predesigned templatesunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Connect your domainunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Buy a domainunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Number of active websitesunavailableunavailable5available
Number of subpagesunavailableunavailableUnlimitedavailable
SSL securityunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Contact formsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Signup formsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Custom codeunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Membership areaunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Remove GetResponse brandingunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Google Analyticsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Facebook Pixelunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
SEO settingsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Landing pages
Landing pagesUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedavailable
AI creator3 usesUnlimitedUnlimitedavailable
Connect your domainavailableavailableavailableavailable
Pages and visitorsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedavailable
Predesigned templatesavailableavailableavailableavailable
Signup formsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Contact formsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Countdown timeravailableavailableavailableavailable
Google Analyticsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Facebook Pixelavailableavailableavailableavailable
SEO settingsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Product boxunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Store settingsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Ecommerce tools
Stores and products centerunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Payment gateway integrationunavailableavailableavailableavailable
E-product deliveryunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Product boxunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Abandoned order recoveryunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Quick transactional emailsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Order confirmation automationunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Promo codes: manual masterunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Promo codes: uniqueunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Promo codes: syncedunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Mobile push notificationsunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Store settingsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Revenue tracking unavailableavailableavailableavailable
Transactional emails
Quick transactional emailsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Triggered emailsunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Sending history unavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Performance analytics unavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
SMTP connectionunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Forms and popups
Active popups limitUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedavailable
Popup display rulesavailableavailableavailableavailable
Views limitavailableavailableavailableavailable
Embedded bannersavailableavailableavailableavailable
Signup formsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Contact formsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Promo codesavailableavailableavailableavailable
Live webinarsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Number of attendeesunavailableunavailable100available
On-demand webinarsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Paid webinarsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Webinar funnelsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Recording storageunavailableunavailable6havailable
Number of presentersunavailableunavailable3available
HD webinarsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Breakout room optionunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Web push notifications
Web push notificationunavailableUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Custom opt-in promptunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Web push automationunavailableUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
GetResponse Chats
Number of seatsunavailable55available
Chats on GetResponse pagesunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Embed Chats on external websiteunavailableavailableavailableavailable
GetResponse Chats mobile appunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Automated welcome messageunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Quick repliesunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Chat availability optionsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Reply via emailunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Email notifications about chatsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Email capture formsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Remove GetResponse brandingunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Conversion funnels
Lead funnelsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Lead magnet funnelsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Sales funnelsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Webinar funnelsunavailableunavailableavailableavailable
Paid ads
Google Adsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Facebook Adsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Lead formsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
SMS marketing
5000 free SMSunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
SMS marketing automationunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
SMS bulk campaigns unavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Consent management unavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Link shortenerunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Export reportsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Google Analyticsavailableavailableavailableavailable
Newsletter revenue statisticsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Custom reportsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
FTP reportsunavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Ecommerce reportsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Recommendations reportsunavailableavailableavailableavailable
Facebook Pixelavailableavailableavailableavailable
Google Analyticsavailableavailableavailableavailable
X / Twitteravailableavailableavailableavailable
Microsoft Dynamics 365unavailableunavailableunavailableavailable
Mobile apps
GetResponse Appavailableavailableavailableavailable

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Create a free trial without commitment and see which tools benefit your business
the most and upgrade when you're ready.

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50% discount for charities and NGOs

Drive membership, increase donations and raise awareness using GetResponse marketing tools.
Get 50% off every monthly plan and get your mission across with less impact on your budget.

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Frequently asked questions

How long are your contracts?

GetResponse offers you two billing periods: monthly or 12 months. We also offer a 30-day Free trial account. For the first 30 days of using it, you will have trial access to the premium features of our platform. You can upgrade your Free account to a paid one at any time. Please note that after the first 30 days, you lose access to the premium features.

What features can I try during the 30-day trial?

On the first 30 days of using your Free account, we give you access to the premium features of GetResponse. There are some limitations on the Free account regarding webinars, messages, landing pages, marketing automation, and chats.

  • AI course creator: You can create an unlimited number of courses for up to 250 students but selling them is available in the paid plan only.
  • Premium newsletters: You can create an unlimited number of premium newsletters with free subscription but paid subscriptions are available in the paid plan only.
  • Webinars: Recordings and on-demand webinars, limited to 10 people (including you and presenters).
  • Messages: The GetResponse badge will be added to every message you send from the Free account. Disabling the badge is possible if you upgrade to a paid account.
  • Landing pages: You can create and publish as many landing pages as you want, but the visits are limited to 1,000 unique visitors per month. Unlimited visits and tools like AB testing are available in paid plans only.
  • Marketing automation: You can create and publish as many workflows as you want. Dynamic segment filter is not available. You can unlock it with any paid plan.
  • Contacting Customer Success Team: You have unlimited access to our assistance through 24/7 live chat in English. You can also contact us via email in one of our support languages: English, Polish, Russian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, or Italian.
What happens after the 30-day trial period?

You will lose access to premium features if you don’t upgrade. You’ll still be able to log in to your account and use the free version of GetResponse. Read this article to see what limitations your account will have if you don’t upgrade after the first 30 days from the moment you set up your free account.

How can I buy GetResponse?

You can purchase one of the available plans directly from this page. Or start with creating a Free account. Once you verify your account, you can test all the features free of charge for 30 days. To upgrade your free account to one of the paid plans, follow these simple steps:

  • Log in to your account. In the Profile menu, click Upgrade account.
  • Choose the plan from Starter, Marketer, and Creator and select the package (list size).
  • Enter your account details and payment information.
  • Choose your subscription plan: standard plan billed monthly (every month) or 12-month prepay with 18% discount.
  • Click the Upgrade Account button.
Which pricing plan should I choose?

There are three standard plans, each of them with its own add-on availability and included features. All plans include options for the list sizes: 1k, 2.5k, 5k, 10k, 25k, 50k, and 100k.

Starter – Enables a powerful start into list building and AI-powered email marketing. Every account created within this package allows for 3 users, provides access to ecommerce integrations, and includes 1 automation workflow. AI tools are limited to 3 uses.

Marketer – Set of powerful tools to accelerate growth through automated marketing communication and e-commerce features. This package gives you unlimited access to marketing automation and ecommerce tools, as well as unlimited landing pages. Up to 5 users can collaborate within the account under this package.

Creator – a plan bringing together tools to create, market, and monetize online content and merchandise. This package combines all our premium features such as courses, paid newsletters, automation, ecommerce tools, and webinars for up to 100 attendees. Multi-user access is also included for up to 5 users.

Can I modify my subscription plan?

Yes, you can upgrade the list size limitation, change the billing period, or upgrade to a higher package.

You can upgrade your plan at any time by going to Billing > Upgrade account. An upgrade takes place immediately, and your billing cycle always starts anew.

Downgrades can only be performed by the Support Team as per your request. To have your account downgraded to a lower plan or from annual payments to monthly payments, please create a support ticket via our contact form or contact us via LiveChat.

What is the Enterprise package?
It is a tailor-made solution designed for businesses looking for a dedicated solution. The Enterprise plan belongs to the GetResponse MAX brand.
How do GetResponse payments work? Can I upgrade or downgrade my subscription?
GetResponse offers 2 billing periods: monthly, and 12-month.

Monthly payment plans are bracketed by list size, starting at $19 per month for unlimited messages to 1,000 subscribers. With our discounts, you can get 18% off a 12-month plan.

GetResponse payments are automatic, recurring, and in advance, which means you'll be charged according to your billing period: every month or every year. If you pick the annual subscription, you pay the full amount in advance.

You can upgrade your plan anytime: go to Profile and click the Upgrade account button.

To downgrade or change your billing period from annual to monthly, contact our Customer Success Team via LiveChat.
Is the Enterprise package the right solution for me?

You should consider the Enterprise account when you:

  • are a high-volume sender looking for a robust platform to create and send emails,
  • want to use all the available product features,
  • want to take advantage of additional services that can help you improve deliverability,
  • are looking for customized solutions to suit your business needs and personalized assistance with marketing campaign planning.

If you want to learn more about Enterprise, please book a demo. Our sales representative will demonstrate the product features and answer your questions. They will also look for customized solutions for you and set you up with the right pricing.

How is Enterprise different from the standard offer?

In GetResponse MAX, you get all the features available in Starter, Marketer, and Creator plans. Additionally, when you choose the GetResponse MAX account, you get:

  • A dedicated Customer Experience Manager ready to help optimize your online marketing campaigns for peak performance. They are your steady single point of contact, immersed in your business, challenges, and goals.
  • Schedule deliverability consulting, product training, advising on your account and campaign setup, help on improving your deliverability, and monthly performance reporting.
  • The package also includes a custom sending infrastructure and premium tools, not available in standard plans: SMS marketing, transactional email, professional services ... and much more.