7 Marketing Podcasts for a More Productive Commute

5 min

We’re in a special time for podcasts. They’ve been around for a long time, hanging out in the corner and biding their time. Waiting to be noticed not as a niche but as a next big thing. Waiting for other content types to have their moments in the spotlight. A few years ago, it was text-based social posts. Then it was all about images. But right now, the podcast is having its “moment.”

From classics like This American Life to its viral spinoff Serial, and from mass appeal NPR to more niche topics like knitting or sports, there really is something for everyone. There’s even a podcast where Kevin Smith talks about old episodes of Frasier (yes, really, and it’s my new favorite thing).

And my favorite thing about podcasts is that they’re the perfect on-the-go content. All those mornings in the car or on the subway when you’re gearing up for your day. It’s usually a pretty unproductive time – until now.

Add a few of the podcasts below to your morning commute to become a better marketer without trying to find more time in your workday for learning.

1. Marketing Smarts

Currently hosted by Kerry O’Shea Gorgone for MarketingProfs, Marketing Smarts has been around and established since 2011, way before this current podcast renaissance. That proven track record, along with having names like MarketingProfs and Kerry’s attached, means you get to hear from some big deal guests.

What kind of big deals? Some of the most exciting guests that I’ve listened to on Marketing Smarts lately include Chris Brogan and Mack Collier. They also have guests talk about things  found really interesting but never would have thought to research myself, like how Dave & Buster’s uses free mobile games in their marketing strategy.

Frequency: weekly

Length: ~ 30 minutes

Episode to download: How to Reach 100% of Your Audience

2. Grammar Girl Quick & Dirty Tips

Modern marketing relies on content. Website content, ad copy, blog posts, email campaigns, tweets – they’re all on us. So whether or not the word “content” is in your job title, there’s a really good chance you’re a content creator.

That’s why writing skills are more important than ever for marketers. Brush up on the basics with Grammar Girl while she answers questions you’ve probably had before, too. So click the ‘Subscribe’ button. Your editor will thank you later.

Frequency: weekly

Length: 10-20 minutes

Episode to download: And/Or. That Should Be a Word.

3. The Lede

This one is a must-listen for any fans of Copyblogger. No brainer, since it’s hosted by Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth. Each week, they talk about all the topics that Copyblogger and Rainmaker represent: content marketing, copywriting, email, and more.

What I love about The Lede is that they’re not afraid of controversy. I wouldn’t say that it’s controversial, but more that Jerod and Demian have really interesting discussions and debates about controversial topics. For example, they’re currently taking on audio vs. written content.

Frequency: weekly

Length: 20-40 minutes

Episode to download: How Much Does the Modern Marketer Need to Know About SEO?


4. Content Inc.

For those of us that do focus on content, there’s a podcast for us, too. Unsurprisingly, it comes from CMI and Joe Pulizzi: Content Inc.

My favorite thing about this podcast is that it’s really bite-sized, and therefore perfect to listen to on my walk to lunch or back from the subway. You see a lot of marketing podcasts that release long episodes once a week, but not many that release shorter episodes more frequently.

Frequency: twice per week

Length: ~ 10 minutes

Episode to download: Building Your Content Marketing Fantasy Team

5. Social Media Marketing Podcast

Brought to you by Social Media Examiner, in this podcast Michael Stelzner interviews the industry’s best about their success stories and best tips. The weekly show goes pretty in depth, clocking in as one of the longer podcasts on the list.

And it’s not just straightforward social media best practices. It’s more advice for social media marketers, than advice about social media marketing (if that makes sense). They talk about the larger industry and driving forces behind social, such as capturing attention, as well as more tactical topics like Twitter marketing and Facebook groups.

Frequency: weekly

Length: 30-60 minutes

Episode to download: Analyzing Your Content With Google Analytics: How to Know What Works

6. Shopify Masters

Ecommerce marketers, this one’s for you. It’s also for those of you who read case studies about huge startups and enterprise companies, and think, “But how can I apply this to me?”

Shopify Masters interviews successful ecommerce entrepreneurs using Shopify about online business, marketing, and more. But one theme across all episodes, regardless of topic, is growth. And that’s something all marketers can never hear too much about.

Frequency: weekly

Length: 50-70 minutes

Episode to download: How Content Drives Sales for HasBean.co.uk

7. #AskGaryVee

Talk about content repurposing at its finest. Gary Vaynerchuk and the folks at Vaynermedia have been producing the #AskGaryVee YouTube show for ages as a way for Gary to answer questions he gets asked on Twitter. And they also take the audio to turn into a podcast.

If you’ve ever read or listened or watched anything by Gary Vaynerchuk, you know that this podcast is entertaining. He’s definitely one of the most animated and charismatic marketing leaders that I follow! There are several new episodes of #AskGaryVee per week, and they’re perfect for morning commutes when something dry will just put me back to sleep.

Frequency: usually twice per week

Length: 10-25 minutes

Episode to download: How Creatives Can Start Thinking Like an Entrepreneur


I’ll be honest. It took a long time for me to jump on the podcast bandwagon. I love the written word too much to replace it with audio. But then I realized – I didn’t have to. If you love learning and listening to smart marketers, podcasts let you get even more of that on top of what you already read or watch.

What are your favorite marketing podcasts that jumpstart your day? Share in the comments below!


brittany berger headshot

About the Author: Brittany Berger is the Content & PR Manager at Mention, where she reads a lot and writes even more. She likes her media social and her Netflix non-stop. Connect with her on Twitter at @bberg1010.
