How to promote your products in the messages?
The Product box element allows you to beautifully display your ecommerce products to your potential customers. It’s easy to add products to your messages from the stores you’ve previously added to GetResponse or imported.
It supports the following products:
- Downloadable file,
- Online course,
- Service,
- Physical product.
It includes the following elements:
- Photo of the product,
- Product name,
- Product description,
- Price,
- Call To Action button.
It’s available to use in the following types of messages:
- Newsletters,
- Autoresponders,
- Automation messages,
- A/B tests,
- Templates.
Once you send out the message, your contact will see the product you’ve inserted into the message. After clicking on the product photo or the button, the contact will be transferred to the sales page specified by you in the creation process or, for imported products, to the store.
How to add a product to the message?
In order to add a product to the message:
- Open the message editor.
- Under Ecommerce click on the Product box element.
- Drag it into the canvas of your message. The product box will create a new section where the product will be displayed.
- After clicking on the product box on the template, choose the store from which you want to import the product.
- Once done, click Select products.
- A new window will open where you can select products. You can also add a new product to the store by clicking Add product.
- After you select the products, click Save. Your products will appear on the newsletter canvas will all their details.
How to edit the product box design in the message?
Layout and orientation
You can present your products in two ways—horizontally and vertically.
To do that:
- Select the product box on your message canvas.
- Go to the menu on the right and click the icon for the layout you want to have (horizontal or vertical). The layout of the products will change accordingly.
In each layout, you can decide how to arrange your product information.
- For the horizontal view, you can choose to have the image on the left and the description on the right or the description on the left and the product image to the right.
- For the vertical view, you can have the image first and the description underneath, or the description first and the image under it.
Product spacing and content spacing

Product spacing is a setting that will allow you to choose how far from the other product you want your products to appear. In the horizontal layout, they are moved from each other using the bottom margin. In the vertical layout they are moved from each other from the bottom and side. The default value for product spacing is 20 px.
- Content spacing allows you to move the photo of the product from its name, description, price and CTA button. In the horizontal layout, the photo is moved from the rest of the product horizontally. In the vertical layout, we move the photo from the rest vertically. The default value for content spacing is 25 px.
How to edit the product card design?
You can edit the product card design in two ways—all of them together or each of them independently. In the dropdown under Product card design you can select all products or the specific product you want to edit. You can also simply click on the product for it to be selected for editing.

After selecting your product or all of them, you can edit each part of the product card design: the image, name, description, price and button.

You can edit the image alignment horizontally (works only for photos which are less than 250px wide).

Under advanced settings, you can choose the padding for the image: left, right, top, bottom. The default values depend on the product box layout.
In the horizontal layout the default values are: left: 5 px, right: 25 px, top: 5 px, bottom: 5 px.
In the vertical layout, the default values are: left: 5 px, right: 5 px, top: 5 px, bottom: 25 px. You can also edit each of them separately.

You can edit the text style of the product name: its font, font size, font color, and use bold, italic and underline.

You can edit the text horizontal alignment: it can be aligned left, center, or right.

Under advanced settings, you can change the padding of the name: left, right, top, bottom. The default padding settings are: left: 0px, right: 0 px, top: 20 px, bottom: 15 px. You can also edit each value separately.

You can decide if you want to include the product description in your message. Move the toggle to the left to hide the description. This setting is applied to desktop and mobile views automatically.

If you choose to keep the description, you will find the option to select its length below. You can select one of two options:
- Full description – explains all the relevant features of your product.
- Short description – includes the essential information. It should be between 20-49 words. You can use it instead of your detailed product description, especially if you’re displaying multiple products.

You can edit the description text style: its font, font size, font color, and use bold, italic and underline.

You can edit the description horizontal alignment: it can be aligned left, center, or right.

Under advanced settings, you can change the padding of the description: left, right, top, bottom. The default padding settings are: left: 0 px, right: 0 px, top: 0 px, bottom: 20 px. You can also edit each value separately.

You can decide if you want to include the product price in your message. Move the toggle to the left to hide the price. This setting is applied to desktop and mobile views automatically.

You can edit the price text style: its font, font size, font color, and use bold, italic and underline.

You can edit the price horizontal alignment: it can be aligned left, center, or right.

Under advanced settings, you can change the padding of the price: left, right, top, bottom. The default padding values are: left: 0 px, right: 0px, top: 0 px, bottom: 0 px.

You can edit the button link type: it can be a web address, landing page, webinar, dynamic content, email address, phone number, custom protocol link.

You can change the button URL that will go to your sales page. For products imported from a store, the button URL will be automatically inserted.

You can edit the button text.

You are able to change the button text style: its font, font size, font color, and use bold, italic and underline.

You can change the button shape.

You can edit the button color.

You can choose the button horizontal alignment: left, center, or right.

Under advanced settings, you can change the button size: left, right, top, bottom or change them altogether. The default values for the button size are: left: 24px, right: 24 px, top: 12 px, bottom: 12 px.

You can also decide on the button padding: left, right, top, bottom. The default padding values are: left: 0 px, right: 5 px, top: 15 px, bottom: 5 px.

After you change the settings of one of the products, you can easily apply the changes to all the products in your product box. Simply click Apply style changes to all products to see the change on the canvas.

Can I hide the price and description of the product?
You can choose if you want to display the price and the description of the products in the message.
To hide the price of the product:
- Click the product box in the message editor.
- Move on to the Price tab.
- Move the toggle next to Show price to the left, to hide the price in the message.

To hide the description of the product:
- Click the product box in the message editor.
- Move on to the Description tab.
- Move the toggle next to Show description to the left, to hide the description in the message.

How to preview the product box?
After you are done with the configuration of your product box, you can see how it will look like in Preview as well as on the sent test message and Inbox preview. The product boxes will also appear on the message thumbnails.

How to create a new store in the message?
When configuring your product box, you can easily create a new store in GetResponse, without leaving the message editor. To do that:
- Click on the product box on the message canvas.
- Click Add new store under the store selection dropdown.
- In the new window, provide the store name and currency and press Create.
- Your store will be created. Now you can add products to it. Click on Select products.
- To add products to the store, click Let’s do it.
- Now you can add your product information and save it. You can find out more on the types of products and their configuration here.