12 Social Media Marketing Tools You Need to Use

6 min

The brilliance of today’s technology makes almost everything possible and easy. To stay on top of the game of social media marketing you have to consistently provide valuable and flawless content either yourself or with someone else’s writing assistance.

You also have to take advantage of the resources available. However, having so many choices can be overwhelming. So we have selected twelve social media marketing tools that should definitely be included in your toolbox.

1. Post Planner

Planning is significant to anyone’s success, even to a social media manager. Paul J. Meyer quoted that, “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” The key to prosperous social media marketing starts at an effective planning.

Post Planner is not only about scheduling posts. It is dedicated to fire up engagement which should be the goal of content you post on social media. This app will find top performing articles, hashtags, blogs, videos and images. All you have to do is post them.

2. Buffer

Time is a precious resource that should never go to waste. Buffer is your partner in managing time. It is one place where you can schedule, publish and analyze your posts for all your social media accounts. You can use this tool for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Google+ and Pinterest simultaneously.

There is a best time for you to publish your posts depending on who your target audiences are. However, the best time may not always be possible or convenient for you. This app allows you to schedule the post to make sure you are hitting the best possible moment of the day.

3. Canva

Content with images get up to 94% more views compared to those without graphics. This is why visual contents should be prioritized by social media marketers. However, graphic contents can be costly. You don’t have to spend for every image you need though. With the use of Canva, you can create appealing graphics that are relevant to your post. Learning this tool is simple and easy.

There are plenty of templates you can use. Edit the picture as you wish by simply dragging and dropping. There are different filters you can choose from. You can choose the font from over a hundred choices to make the text part of your graphic more polished and professional looking.

4. Tagboard

One of the advantages of social media over other traditional means of marketing is that you can monitor what people are actually saying about your brand in real time. Using Tagboard makes monitoring of brand mentions faster and easier.

This tool allows you to see the most recent brand mentions on all your social media accounts with just one search of a hashtag. Hashtag monitoring is not just for brand mentions. You can also use it to search for possible lines of users who might be looking for or interested in your product or service. Example, if you manage an account of a flower shop, you can search for the hashtags #lookingforflowers or #lookingforbirthdaygiftideas.

5. FollowerWonk

This tool is primarily used for Twitter. It is important to understand who your audiences are to provide useful tweets on your account. FollowerWonk allows you to know your followers deeper.

It analyzes the time when most of your followers are active, where they reside and who they are. Using the results, you can optimize contents and publish them at the most productive time so your tweet won’t be buried under the millions of tweets when your followers are already active.

6. Feedly

Being a social media marketing manager means that you will be loaded with tons of data to promote your product. Don’t let that content get chaotic by using this organizing tool. This lets you organize all kinds of content so that you can easily find them when you need them.

Feedly also makes your search for relevant information easier and more organized. As you research, you can directly save contents that you can use for future reference. All content can be easily shared to all your social media accounts.

7. MeetEdgar

MeetEdgar is a comprehensive social media management tool that is designed to support you with your social media strategies. It simplifies the process of content scheduling by allowing you to plan, manage, and automate your social media content ahead of time, thereby effectively managing your online presence.

What makes MeetEdgar unique is its evergreen automation feature, which ensures users never run out of content to post by continually pulling from an unlimited library of evergreen content.

8. BuzzSumo

Buzzsumo is one of the greatest tools to build an effective content strategy. It is another kind of search engine that helps you to see what content in your niche is the hottest at the time.

It sorts the topics by date and popularity, so you can see the main trends across social media channels. It also helps to build out part of your SEO strategy, allowing you to search the best performing topics and keywords.

9. Sprout Social

One of the key features of Sprout Social is its integrated dashboard that offers a unified view of messages and interactions from various social media channels. It allows you to respond and engage with your audience quickly and efficiently from a single place.

Sprout Social also provides in-depth social media analytics that help you measure your social media performance, understand your audience better, and refine your social media strategy based on the insights.

10. Tailwind

Tailwind is a social media scheduling and analytics tool that primarily focuses on Pinterest and Instagram, although it also offers some functionalities for other platforms.

For Pinterest, Tailwind provides features like Tailwind Tribes, a community-based feature that allows users to meet and grow with others in their niche. For Instagram, it offers a bio link tool, and a Hashtag Finder that helps identify effective hashtags to increase reach.

11. Easypromos

Easypromos offers a set of apps that allows diversifying content by quizzes, contest, surveys, and more, as well as KPI reports.

12. Mention

Mention is a wonderful, stand-alone social media listening tool. It tracks your brand, and whatever keywords, hashtags, and/or competitors you set. You’ll get every possible mention for the keywords you set up – whether it’s a brand mention, a hashtag, a blog title, a URL, or even an API call.

To keep all that data manageable, you can sort by source: each major social media channel, photographs (Pinterest/Instagram), blogs, forums, news, and general web traffic. The sorting is the key feature that I’ve found most helpful. When you have hundreds of mentions to review (and respond to as needed) every day, the ability to break down things down into blocks is essential.

Over to you

There are (many) more social media marketing tools around but the seven mentioned above are ones you should not miss. Try to choose the best tools that work for you. Once you’ve given them a try, what you’ll have to learn is how to build genuine conversations using your social media channels.

So what social media marketing tools do you use in your business? Do you have any that you consider indispensable that we should include? Tell us about your favorite tools in the comments below.
