Grow & Educate the Community

I continue to appreciate how the company continues to grow, the support continues to get better and quicker."

Robert Brzezinski,
Minister, Spiritual Living

A subscriber for life

Robert Brzezinski is an ordained minister of new thought philosophy, specifically religious science, also known as the science of mind. He runs a nonprofit organization and is affiliated with the Centers for Spiritual Living. Robert also has a Masters in Consciousness Studies, and is a visionary, who is always looking for ways to adopt and implement new innovations that can benefit his nonprofit and community.  

I like the fact that you can do more, and do different things with GetResponse. Mailchimp and the other free stuff, it was always just so ugly… it was just too formulaic. It was like this is what everybody and their grandmother has. And how are you supposed to standout if you have the same thing?

Robert Brzezinski

An early-adopter and consistent user

Robert chose to use GetResponse in its early days, because he believed the world was online and he could have an advantage by establishing his online presence early on. By implementing GetResponse’s platform for his nonprofit, he not only grows the organization but also provides value to his community.

I think it was the combination of the features, the usability and, truthfully, the price.

Robert Brzezinski

Robert states that he never found GetResponse difficult to learn or use. He loves the usability and reliability of the platform and how easy it was to navigate.

It’s not rocket science, in my opinion, a well-focused tool, amongst many tools that I have to use.

Robert Brzezinski

Besides the user-friendliness of the system, Robert appreciates the tech support. He finds that the 24/7 customer support is quick to respond and help find a solution for a problem you’re facing. It’s a bonus that the email support can help customers almost instantly in eight languages, and from any time zone.

Truthfully, the program is much bigger than I utilize, and I so underutilize what I have. Even to move to another company with a smaller package would be equally, if not, more, expensive, and with less features and I’d have to learn a whole system. I just teach my team to learn how to use GetResponse.

Robert Brzezinski

Communicating with a community

Robert’s most used features are the landing pages, newsletters, and automation.  

I’m very happy with how the platform operates and what we’re able to do with it. Whether it’s a prescheduled form, automatic newsletter, or email editor that lets you build your own templates. Countless times I have piggy backed off GetResponse’s templates to build something that look unique, feels unique, and just works well.

Robert Brzezinski

Robert finds the pre-made templates on landing pages extremely beneficial and efficient in making pages for different purposes. Robert also plans to expand his use of GetResponse beyond email marketing.

We’re doing a weekly newsletter that lets everybody know everything that’s going on. Time- wise, just having that in place saves me countless hours.

Robert Brzezinski

By using the automation features, Robert can design targeted messages quickly and easily, ensuring automatic delivery at a chosen date and time, based on a deadline or event. The well-drafted templates and scheduled delivery have proven to have a higher open rates and help achieve campaign objectives.  

People ask me all the time and I’m like ‘Oh yeah, I won’t go anywhere else.’ I just tell everybody, ‘Check GetResponse out, they’re the best!’ … I would say that GetResponse, by far, is a superior tool to anything that I know of on the market. … you don’t want the cheapest thing out there. You want a professional tool that’s designed, developed, and built to support you in getting your emails out and getting your emails read.

Robert Brzezinski

Tools used to get results

  • Autoresponders – Introduce, follow-up, communicate and connect with your audience automatically. Setting up prescheduled and sequenced emails on a particular time saves time and energy, and results in high open rates.

  • Email Analytics – Monitor the performance of your emails and campaigns through automated reports and key metrics. Track click-throughs and open rates in real-time. 

  • Lead Magnet Funnels – All the tools and necessary steps connected to turn manual, ineffective list building tactics into automated, high-converting lead generation campaigns.

  • Signup Forms – Use pre-made templates or create your own forms to collect customer data. Turn data into personalized experiences. You can integrate them with other platforms like Facebook, WordPress, etc.

Benefits for customers

  • 24/7 customer support

    Ask a question or solve an issue at any time via the 24-hour live chat available in eight languages.

  • Affordable

    Simple, competitive pricing without purchasing add-ons for full functionality. With no hidden costs and advanced features, GetResponse is truly value for money!

  • Easy to use

    An intuitive interface that is simple, easy to learn, and comes with 24/7 support.

  • TIme-saving

    Spend valuable time and resources on core aspects of your business by automating emails, campaigns and simplifying online marketing.

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