Best Marketing Blogs to Add to Your RSS Feed

3 min

Marketing is all about merging the old ways with the ever changing trends. Whatever strategy you undertake, it is good to know what marketing experts say. If you google “marketing blogs” you will find an overwhelming amount of results, which is why I took it upon myself to sift through the best of the best and create a list of blogs that in my opinion, everyone should have in their RSS feed.

To start us off – Medium. If you’ve never heard of Medium, now is the time to change that! A great blogging platform that not only lets you write, connect, and search whatever topic you want, but it also allows you to take advantage of collections. What is that? – you may ask. Collections are clouds where people can submit and admins can add, medium blog posts that relate to the subject of that specific collection.

Here are four examples of collections that take marketing tips to the next level:

  1. Digital Marketing: Social Media, Online, Internet, SEO
  2. Content Marketing Edge
  3. On Content Marketing…
  4. Marketing & Growth Hacking

Marketing communities

It is always worth your time to see what articles are recommended by other marketers! People often share only the best of the best. Here’s a site that has a great community of valuable “sharers”:

  1. GrowthHackers

Best of the best

There are numerous blogs that wow with their great content, but let’s be honest – I would have to make a list that goes on forever! So within the best of the best I picked a few that you should definitely have in your RSS feed:

  • SumAll – quoting their own website “The marketing blog that doesn’t suck.”
  • Quick Sprout – Growth hacking tips from the best in business, Neil Patel.
  • TrackMaven – like the name suggests, this company focuses on tracking results for marketing companies. Which is why they know just what you need to succeed.
  • Moz – Keep up with the latest in the Internet world, get tips to social media success, and read what the future holds for marketing.
  • Duct Tape Marketing – Strategies on making you fall in love with your business once again.
  • Sprout Social – the complete social know-how.
  • Buffer – social media resources, tips, and insights.
  • Shopify – if you’re in e-commerce, this blog is a must for you!
  • Conversion Rate Experts – quoting their blog “turn clicks into customers.”
  • OkDork – explore what works best for you and make your business grow! Noah Kagan guides even startups in the best direction!
  • copyblogger – a blog that helps you make your content count.
  • Boost Blog Traffic – another great blog devoted to posting valuable posts.
  • Digital Marketer – online marketing is different than normal marketing, this blog keeps up with the online marketing world.
  • eCommerceFuel – starting an online business? This blog must be in your feed!
  • Adobe Digital Marketing – if you like design and want to know the best practices in optimizing and resourcing in marketing, this is a blog for you.
  • Writtent – effective copywriting tips.
  • Optimizely – everything optimization related all in one blog.
  • GetResponse – now this a bit self-promotional, but we do hear good things about the content we put out. Email marketing, marketing automation, lead generation – we write about them all.


What more do I need to know?

RSS feeds may slowly fade away, but social media isn’t! If you’re not totally into RSS you should definitely find all these great blogs on social media. Follow these blogs (or their authors even) on Facebook or Twitter. There are also great tools for keeping track and who’s who on Twitter – create a Twitter list and keep all your favorite blogs and blog authors in one place. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that you do it – finding inspiration and tips is what makes every marketing strategy a sure success.
