7 Authority Hacking Tools To Quickly Grow Your Online Influence

8 min

Establishing a successful online enterprise is a long journey, and building your site the right way is just half the battle. With lots of online brands smartening up by observing the best digital marketing practices to help promote their sites to the right audience, it is time to take a different route of getting your message across your target market to expedite the growth of your business.

The latest signs point to influencer marketing as a major tactic that marketers will take heed of in the future, especially about content creation and marketing. In fact, some have already gotten on the influencer marketing bandwagon to full effect.

According to a 2015 study featured in eMarketer, 84% of marketers and communications professionals intend to run a campaign by using an influencer to scale its success. For those who have already tried it, 81% of them believes that influencer marketing works.

Corollary, 78% of brands have increased content creation efforts in the past two years but saw content engagement dipped by 60%, according to TrackMaven.

Truly, the age of influence is upon us.

While content remains a useful asset in your strategy, you still need to find a way to make people care about your content. By using influencer marketing as the backbone of your campaigns, you enable your brand to develop trust from your audience, thus generating a more positive response from them .

Obviously, trust is a two-way street: you provide your audience trustworthy content, and they will reciprocate and return the favor. The problem now is how you can develop an influencer marketing strategy to tap effectively into your audience and meet your business goals faster.

In this post, below are seven of the best tools that will help hack your influence marketing efforts so you can gain the trust of people and make them want your brand.


For a brand to be successful in today’s world, you need to harness the relationship that exists between consumers, marketers, and influencers. You need to find the ground where all three meet and use that touchpoint to develop a marketing strategy that is predicated on leverage influence to help you band rise above the rest.

Influencer Marketing Software Platform TapInfluence

TapInfluece is that touchpoint that allows everybody to have a voice. The platform claims to increase your ROI by 11x more than other forms of digital media, but it is a proven method that is hard to dispute. Upon signing in as a brand, you can create your projects and choose influencers who will write sponsored posts about your brand based on the objectives of the project. They also are responsible for sharing the branded content on their thousands of social media followers to maximize reach.

Once the project is launched, you can measure the results and scale your next projects based on the response.


As a brand, it is safe to assume that consumer initially does not trust you. Also, to increase your sales, you will have to gain their trust, which is a prerequisite for them to make a purchase from your site.

However, building trust will require you to create high-quality content that caters to their needs and interests, organically build a following on social media, get more subscribers to your email marketing, and so on. With lots of tactics and strategies involved in pulling this off, it will be a long and arduous journey into gaining the trust of people.

However, you can bypass this process by answering this simple question: what do your audience trust more?

Their peers.

In fact, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from relatives, family, and loved ones over what brands say.

With this knowledge, you need to find a way to leverage the influence of regular joes to shed positive light about your brand such as product reviews, testimonials, and such.

Ratings Reviews Customer Generated Marketing Yotpo

Yotpo is a user-generated content marketing platform that will help you generate more positive reviews about your brand from authentic customers. Once your customers see that regular customers like themselves are giving your products and services good reviews, there is a greater likelihood that you will gain their trust without writing content or building followers.


If you are in the business of developing content for your brand, then you need to ensure that it not only provides value to your audiences but also gets shared to the right channels. Blaring out your content on social media without any governing strategy is a flimsy idea. What you need is to target specific influencers within your niche who will be more than willing to share your content to their thousands, if not millions, of social media followers.

This is why you need a tool like Buzzsumo to help you look for content ideas that your target audience will appreciate.

BuzzSumo Pro Product Tour

Buzzsumo works by helping you find content, influencers, and trends that can direct your content strategy. One of its main features allows you to search for the most shared content using the simple interface. You only need to input a specific topic or domain address, set the appropriate filters (content type, language, date, and country), and hit “Search” to access hundreds of highly shared content. It also offers an advanced content analysis tool that lets you view the average shares per social media network, ordinary shares by content type, most shared domains, most shared articles, and so on.

By searching for the top authors, you can also look for the right influencers that can help you drive more traffic to your site. This will be extremely useful for blogger outreach.

Ninja Outreach

One of the most efficient strategies to boost the authority and traffic of your site is to launch an outreach campaign. With outreach, you can leverage the reach of established influencers (bloggers, social media celebrities, etc.) to push the visibility of your site. However, this involves the tedious process of sending outreach material to countless influencers, which commonly ends up in rejections.

Ninja Outreach platform

This is why you need Ninja Outreach – an automation platform – to supercharge your outreach campaign. It allows you to find thousands of prospective influencers in your niche, helps you broadcast optimized outreach emails, organize your lists and prospects – all in one place.


The best way to build trust with your brand is to cultivate your social media presence. While it is great to have thousands of followers on your social network, the best indicator of social media success is engagement, as 80% of marketers use this metric to measure and scale their efforts in this channel.

One of the more convenient social channels to engage and connect with is Twitter. You do not have to worry about lowered organic reach to your audience that Facebook pages are experiencing, and there are lots of guides to help you develop successful Twitter campaigns.

To make your use of Twitter much more effective, you once again have to tap into the power of influencers to grow your followers and make more meaningful and long-lasting engagements in the process.

Followerwonk Tools for Twitter Analytics Bio Search and More

The tool that can help you achieve this Followerwonk. It allows you to analyze the best performing users within your niche so you can devise a strategy of getting them and their vibrant followers to follow your profile. At the same time, you can drill down your followers and segment them into different categories so you can gain more insights on how you can connect with them on a more personal level.

Doing these successfully will help speed up your Twitter growth so you can reach out to more people on social media and establish your influence in the industry.


Triberr paved the way for influencer marketing to become a thing. For years, this tried, and true influencer marketing platform has connected agencies with bloggers to help them promote their brand using these social following.

In a nutshell, influencers can promote content from brands and other bloggers on Twitter if the content is relevant to their audience. At the same time, they can also automate the sharing process through RSS feed. This is a great way to curate content for Twitter, especially if the chosen feed you are promoting consistently publishes content similar or related to yours.

Also, Triberr allows you to create different groups or “tribes” so you can establish your brand as a subject matter expert on a specific topic. You can then invite other users to help you populate your tribe with relevant content that people can share and learn from. Conversely, you can join other tribes so you can share your content and other users’.

Using it correctly, you can hike up the speed of your Twitter growth and effectiveness, as well as provide your followers with handpicked curated content from the platform.


Knowing the answer to everything is a great thing. However, your knowledge will not mean a thing unless you share it with the world.

Quora is one of the most popular Q&A sites that provide beginners a platform to ask questions about things thing they do not know and for experts to answer them.

The great thing about Quora is that answering questions from the platform has its benefits. By constantly providing thoughtful and actionable answers on specific topics, you can elevate your profile so you can be viewed as a trustworthy professional representing your business or brand.

Your answers in Quora can impact your online business such as driving more traffic to your site. Depending on the amount of trust they have for your brand thanks to you by not only serving as its ambassador on Quora but also providing valuable content to users, you can expect these visitors to become customers.


Today, influence has become a deciding factor in the world of digital marketing. It is the means that allows online businesses, bloggers, and entrepreneurs to communicate with the ever-expanding online community. The tools mentioned above will help you get more results with less work. They will ensure that you remain competitive and relevant as your website grows.
