How to change the language of non-editable elements in the form?

The following article applies to our brand new Forms and Popups editor. Legacy editor help can be found here.

Which elements can I select to be translated automatically

Some elements in forms, popups, and inline content are non-editable. You can choose in which language they appear. Those elements are:

  • any messages related to form errors, i.e.:
    • contact is on the list already
    • the field is required and it cannot be empty
    • the email field or the phone field is entered in the wrong format
  • timer – elements of the timer such as days, hours, and minutes will be translated automatically

Which languages are available

  • English
  • Polish
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • Italian
  • French
  • Russian
  • Malay
  • Vietnamese
  • Indonesian
  • Dutch

How to change the language of the non-editable elements in the form, popup or inline content

To edit the design of your popup or inline content:

  1. Go to Forms and popups and click on the name.

    Manage forms and popups.
  2. Click Edit design.

    Edit design icon.
  1. Click Edit settings icon.

    Edit settings.
  2. Select Language from the dropdown list.

    language selection

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