How to assign my own subdomain to the landing page?

The following article applies to our brand new Landing pages editor.

If you want to use your own subdomain for a legacy landing page, please use the following instructions.

If you own a domain but don’t want to change its DNS, you can easily assign a subdomain to your GetResponse landing page.

To assign your subdomain, go to Landing pages and click on the page name. In the landing page overview, click on the Connect a domain you own link.

landing page domain

How can I assign a subdomain I’ve already added to GetResponse?

  1. If you have domains or subdomains already added to your GetResponse account, you will be able to select an unassigned one from the list. You will be able to see which are already assigned to other sites.

    Note: This list shows both domains and subdomains that are already assigned to your account.

    Click on the arrow in the Which domain would you like to use? field.

    already owned domain landing pages
  1. Select any subdomain labeled as (Domain available).

    selecting subdomain
  1. Click on the Save changes or Publish button (depending on the domain status).

    saving subdomain

How can I add a new subdomain?

  1. Click on the Add a new domain link.

    add a new domain to the landing page
  1. Type your subdomain and click on the Add button.

    adding subdomain
  1. Copy the CNAME value shown in the pop-up and use it in your domain hosting panel for your subdomain.

The CNAME value is dynamic and generated individually for each subdomain. Be sure to copy the exact one shown after adding your subdomain.

cname records for landing pages

How do I add a CNAME record?

You can check the official instructions made by other platforms on how to add CNAME records here:

Please note that the steps may differ depending on where the domain is hosted. Articles linked above are created by each respective platform. If you have any additional questions about domain configuration you can reach out to their support.

Note: it may take up to 24 hours for the CNAME record to propagate and be ready to use.